Wednesday, October 21, 2015

And so it begins

What a great group of kids!

Friendly, interested, ask great questions..

We started our individual loom weaving part of the project last Tuesday. That will accomplish two things.. get the "over-under" structure part down, and everyone will have something to work on. One hour goes by quickly.  

Today we set up the larger loom. 

Mr Hart helped with a diagram of weaving and enlarged his sketch for the tapestry. We will be working quickly with 10 meetings to complete this project.. with such a great group at Leaksville-Spray we should move along very well.

(climbing on soapbox)

When funds are restricted, complicated and minimal, the need for projects and programs is not minimized. Grants are available sometimes, but they run on cycles. Opportunities don't always. The best way -- I truly believe !!! to invigorate and engage a community is from grassroots efforts with neighbors, caring businesses investing BACK into their community and volunteer efforts. This doesn't mean that those working in the project with design, execution and supervision should all be uncompensated volunteers. Consider investing in projects with funding, with time because we all know nothing is free. But it can be freely given. (climbing down from soapbox)

Hope you enjoy the photos.. more to come!!!

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