Monday, September 3, 2012

I've had my public-ish studio space in Fiber Company, where i share space with lots of yarns, looms, dust bunnies and five amazing women that love fabric and  yarns as much as I ever will. Where else could I possibly come in and say "OMG is that Black 106" and everyone knows what I am talking about? (FYI, black 106 is just the coolest of the cool Procion MX dyes. I hope I NEVER run out!)

So the month of September marks the 25th anniversary of Fiber Company. I've not been there the whole 25 but a pretty good chunk of it. I date it by Collin's age and he is not there yet. not far away, but not quite there.

I just updated the blog on Fiber Company's blog site.

I don't get to spend as much time there as I'd like but some weeks, like this week, I do get to hang out. Have a baby blanket to (hopefully) give to a grandma who has twin grandkids and needed an extra blanket. I have some experimental warps on that will be all painty and artsy and fun... a break from production, but then, well, it is on for the holiday production line. A few new scarves... I am loving the finer yarns and want to try some wooly ones with texture from structure, and some nice bast ones that are dyed for fun and brightness. And a new ruana wrap. I like wearing all of these things and I'm hoping others will too.

Hope y'all can come out to visit us for the celebration.
I'm thinking cake.

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