Sunday, September 19, 2010

Changing like the leaves!

This has been a year of change. I have new colors for fall-- new warps, a new heavy textured m's and o's scarf prototype to work on, putting the walls up on my new at-home studio (seems we need several of these-- one with people, one without). And I've met so many new artists-- well, new to me! but these conversations have really helped me put my ideas in a new light. Changing jobs- the other job I always seem to need! from working with the Art Alliance to working in the Rockingham County Arts council has been a real emotional ride. I miss being in Greensboro, miss the fun folks at AAG, don't miss the complainers! but the people in Rockingham County have been so friendly and they are excited about the new projects.. the new gallery, exhibits, craft shows, grants.. I'm feeling so much more grounded.
So this is the last jacket fabric for a month or so. time to get the fall and winter scarves.. have some new wools and will be trying the wool/tencel blend soon. And I have new tunes to work with! I have to say... this could be what I have been looking for and I just never knew! Now, if the creepy neighbor would stop asking me about why i don't have a boyfriend....